22C1E45E0-5A2C-4751-9670-33B2CA2A381576FC9E0B-AFD3-497C-9B71-6F5B360899CDE4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A433351Flashings Cover, Undertile, OvertileRoofing and Roofing Accessories\Flashings5E156A27-8E07-4A37-A817-39C065D4C93238721Heunis252427EE-F848-4F48-8C16-48393B18FFF73A5651BC-3CB3-4320-A1DC-685E34AFAD7F37EDE468-DFF9-4FB9-9967-D7AAAC5F5F30Flashing CoverUndertile FlashingOvertile Flashing111577577CoverFlashing.pngUndertile_Flashing.pngFlashingOvertile.png135FlashingUndertile.pngFlashingUndertile.png(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Heunis\Catalogue\images76FC9E0B-AFD3-497C-9B71-6F5B360899CD0.000.0023A5651BC-3CB3-4320-A1DC-685E34AFAD7F2C1E45E0-5A2C-4751-9670-33B2CA2A3815E4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A47473Undertile FlashingManufactured from SABS-quality galvanised steel varying in thickness depending on individual needs and architects specifications.
Overtile flashing is manufactured in two sizes namely 175x50mm and 225x75mm.
Undertile flashing is used where the roof joins in against a parapet wall and needs to be effectively sealed.
This Shape of installation is mainly used on galvanised roofs with a corrugated or IBR profile.
The flashing is visible after installation and is used where the aesthetic finish does not play an important role.
Protective Coating after Installation A good quality acrylic PVA paint should be used to paint the galvanised material which will ensure a durable stylish installation that will last many years.
page(4)margin(10px,0px,0px,0px)class1(margin_top0)page(4)margin(0px,0px,0px,0px)10 per bundle175x50: A=50mm, B=166mm225x50: A=75mm, B=215mmRoofing and Roofing Accessories\Flashings\Flashings Cover, Undertile, Overtile5E156A27-8E07-4A37-A817-39C065D4C93238721HeunisRain Water System\Heunis (Galvanised)\Galvanised Rainwater Goods\Flashings\Undertile Flashings6CC935AA-220D-4F63-B88C-B7FE63487736EB47092D-D90F-44C2-B31D-CCD4F44AF5340AB2737E-49C5-4A14-A4FB-8F25552E8430861EEA50-FD91-481F-AEBA-5EA23B1DEA3996DF5AF8-FD25-4234-A7EB-347834C63D461BA31418-68DD-4FE4-B5D7-D957887876ED708481B1-ABB5-4DE4-9474-068748660B69Undertile 0.4x75x225mm x 1.8mUndertile 0.4x50 x 175mm x 1.8mUndertile 0.4x50x175mm x 2.4mUndertile 0.4x50 x 175mm x 3.0mUndertile 0.4x75 x 225mm x 3.0mUndertile 0.5x50x175mm x 1.8mUndertile 0.5x75x225mm x 1.8mFLSHUT0407522518FLSHUT0405017518FLSHUT0405017524FLSHUT0405017530FLSHUT0407522530FLSHUT0505017518FLSHUT050752251869.394550.56867.32683.7795111Undertile_Flashing.pngUndertile_Flashing.pngundertile-flashing-drawing.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Heunis\Catalogue\images2252427EE-F848-4F48-8C16-48393B18FFF72C1E45E0-5A2C-4751-9670-33B2CA2A3815E4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A45451Flashing CoverManufactured from SABS-quality galvanised steel varying in thickness depending on individual needs and architects specifications.
Overtile flashing is manufactured in two sizes namely 175x50mm and 225x75mm.
Undertile flashing is used where the roof joins in against a parapet wall and needs to be effectively sealed.
This Shape of installation is mainly used on galvanised roofs with a corrugated or IBR profile.
The flashing is visible after installation and is used where the aesthetic finish does not play an important role.
Protective Coating after Installation A good quality acrylic PVA paint should be used to paint the galvanised material which will ensure a durable stylish installation that will last many years.
page(3)margin(0px,0px,40px,0px)page(4)margin(0px,0px,0px,0px)10 per bundleRoofing and Roofing Accessories\Flashings\Flashings Cover, Undertile, Overtile5E156A27-8E07-4A37-A817-39C065D4C93238721HeunisRain Water System\Heunis (Galvanised)\Galvanised Rainwater Goods\Flashings\Cover Flashings57336FE2-51D1-4C7F-8A80-C0CBD963C194CCB5EA6C-097A-4FD8-BE13-86439948F1B2727D5C4E-E5D8-4306-B0A4-19F637D3E0FDE26AAABF-1BA7-4455-9248-1F9B646481D180E55509-8D1C-434E-809D-F8F067A64317Cover 0.4x75x25mm x 1.8mCover 0.4x100x25mm x 1.8mCover 0.4x100x25mm x 2.4mCover 0.4x75x25mm x 3.0mCover 0.4x100x25mm x 3.0mFLSHCO040257518FLSHCO0402510018FLSHCO0402510024FLSHCO040257530FLSHCO040251003023.26828.717538.17838.251547.3445CoverFlashing.pngCoverFlashing.pngflashing-cover-drawing.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Heunis\Catalogue\images237EDE468-DFF9-4FB9-9967-D7AAAC5F5F302C1E45E0-5A2C-4751-9670-33B2CA2A3815E4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A47475Overtile FlashingManufactured from SABS-quality galvanised steel varying in thickness depending on individual needs and architects specifications.
Overtile flashing is manufactured in two sizes namely 175x50mm and 225x75mm.
Overtile flashing is used where the roof joins in against a parapet wall and needs to be effectively sealed.
This Shape of installation is mainly used on galvanised roofs with a corrugated or IBR profile.
The flashing is visible after installation and is used where the aesthetic finish does not play an important role.
Protective Coating after Installation A good quality acrylic PVA paint should be used to paint the galvanised material which will ensure a durable stylish installation that will last many years.
page(4)class1(margin_top35)page(4)10 per bundle175x50: A=50mm, B=166mm225x50: A=75mm, B=215mmRoofing and Roofing Accessories\Flashings\Flashings Cover, Undertile, Overtile5E156A27-8E07-4A37-A817-39C065D4C93238721Heunis6F49B113-0628-409F-89F7-AF1703C61D9FF5BF674B-84E2-4702-A04F-AFEECD9C25EE24C52D5E-B805-4EB3-BBE5-A62C1FF7DB525158FA82-6F13-42E5-A8C3-BE184A2F3E84A21CB2B9-71F6-44DF-95D0-290F5F0B49789CCC05D8-D008-42D9-BF7C-468823E0C8FCCA6537BC-2660-4AF0-969B-231C4943EF1AOvertile 0.4mm x 75 x 225mm x 1.8mOvertile 0.4mmx50x175mmx1.8mOvertile 0.4mm x 50 x 175mm x 2.4mOvertile 0.4mm x 75 x 225mm x 3.0mOvertile 0.4mm x 50 x 175mm x 3.0mOvertile 0.5mm x 75 x 225mm x 1.8mOvertile 0.5mm x 50 x 175mm x 1.8mFLSHOT0407522518FLSHOT0405017518FLSHOT0405017524FLSHOT0407522530FLSHOT0405017530FLSHOT0507522518FLSHOT050501751869.394550.56867.326115.14383.779511FlashingOvertile.pngFlashingOvertile.pngovertile-flashing-drawing.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Heunis\Catalogue\images
Manufactured from SABS-quality galvanised steel varying in thickness depending on individual needs and architects specifications.
Overtile flashing is manufactured in two sizes namely 175x50mm and 225x75mm.
Undertile flashing is used where the roof joins in against a parapet wall and needs to be effectively sealed.
This Shape of installation is mainly used on galvanised roofs with a corrugated or IBR profile.
The flashing is visible after installation and is used where the aesthetic finish does not play an important role.
Protective Coating after Installation A good quality acrylic PVA paint should be used to paint the galvanised material which will ensure a durable stylish installation that will last many years.
Manufactured from SABS-quality galvanised steel varying in thickness depending on individual needs and architects specifications.
Overtile flashing is manufactured in two sizes namely 175x50mm and 225x75mm.
Overtile flashing is used where the roof joins in against a parapet wall and needs to be effectively sealed.
This Shape of installation is mainly used on galvanised roofs with a corrugated or IBR profile.
The flashing is visible after installation and is used where the aesthetic finish does not play an important role.
Protective Coating after Installation A good quality acrylic PVA paint should be used to paint the galvanised material which will ensure a durable stylish installation that will last many years.