29EB4D4C2-7044-4731-8694-6B3A7B6678F95E156A27-8E07-4A37-A817-39C065D4C932E4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A42222Cranking and BullnosingRoofing and Roofing Accessories5E156A27-8E07-4A37-A817-39C065D4C93238721Heunis0E7D5212-1D32-405A-BA0C-4C803FBC967386DB4BAC-67D5-4567-A2C8-51021BD395238½ & 10½ Corrugated IronStandard IBREC-ZA-0-53--0000045754--2-1.jpgEC-ZA-0-53--0000045754--2-1.jpgCranking_Bullnosing.pngCranking_Bullnosing.png(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Heunis\Catalogue\images5E156A27-8E07-4A37-A817-39C065D4C9320.000.00Cranking and Bullnosing is done on Corrugated and IBR roof sheeting.

Bullnosing and Cranking is mainly done on large industrial buildings such as factories, warehouses etc. to provide a neat finish to the roof which enhances the aesthetic appearance of the building.1
page(1)layout(6)margin(0px,0px,0px,0px)class2(margin_top15)page(2)layout(5)margin(20px,0px,50px,0px)Please Note:1. It is not recommended to crank material less than 0.5mm in thickness.2. During the cranking process, a slight deforming in the profile is unavoidable.
20E7D5212-1D32-405A-BA0C-4C803FBC96739EB4D4C2-7044-4731-8694-6B3A7B6678F9E4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A4318½ & 10½ Corrugated IronRoofing and Roofing Accessories\Cranking and Bullnosing5E156A27-8E07-4A37-A817-39C065D4C93238721HeunisEC-ZA-0-53--0000045754--2-1.jpgEC-ZA-0-53--0000045754--2-1.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Heunis\Catalogue\images286DB4BAC-67D5-4567-A2C8-51021BD395239EB4D4C2-7044-4731-8694-6B3A7B6678F9E4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A432Standard IBRRoofing and Roofing Accessories\Cranking and Bullnosing5E156A27-8E07-4A37-A817-39C065D4C93238721HeunisEC-ZA-0-53--0000045754--2-1.jpgEC-ZA-0-53--0000045754--2-1.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Heunis\Catalogue\images

Cranking and Bullnosing

  1. Roofing and Roofing Accessories

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Please Note:1. It is not recommended to crank material less than 0.5mm in thickness.2. During the cranking process, a slight deforming in the profile is unavoidable.
Cranking and Bullnosing is done on Corrugated and IBR roof sheeting.

Bullnosing and Cranking is mainly done on large industrial buildings such as factories, warehouses etc. to provide a neat finish to the roof which enhances the aesthetic appearance of the building.

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