200AD7AA8-1226-4E4B-BF24-2A3B95B5B313B20F0273-027F-44DB-824F-3744B853B61EEC-ZA-0-18EC-ZA-0-532599438587Gutter Angles103202221003Galvanised Rainwater GoodsManufactured from SABS-quality galvanised steel of varying thickness depending on individual needs and architects specifications.
Two Shapes of Gutter Angles are manufactured, namely Internal and External.
The main purpose of an angle is to enable the installer to do do an installation where it is required that the gutter must continue around a corner of the roof.
The Gutter Angle is approximately 300mm long on either side to ensure a durable joint with the rest of the gutter.
Always ensure that the joint is sealed with a good quality butal rubber sealant - normal silicone is not recommended for this application.
Protective Coating After Installation
A good quality acrylic PVA paint should be used to paint the galvanised material which will ensure a durable stylish installation that will last many years.Galvanised Rainwater GoodsB20F0273-027F-44DB-824F-3744B853B61E38587HeunisEE72A5CA-58BD-46E9-8D63-B3D796E82BF024B9DC4C-F787-4A88-B67A-89696F91C95ESquare Gutter AnglesHalfround Gutter Angles116262SquareGutterAngles.pngHalfroundGutterAngles.png132022-12-0812:33:34:973101E4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A4SquareGutterAngles.pngSquareGutterAngles.png(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Heunis\Catalogue\images0.000.00
Manufactured from SABS-quality galvanised steel of varying thickness depending on individual needs and architects specifications.
Two Shapes of Gutter Angles are manufactured, namely Internal and External.
The main purpose of an angle is to enable the installer to do do an installation where it is required that the gutter must continue around a corner of the roof.
The Gutter Angle is approximately 300mm long on either side to ensure a durable joint with the rest of the gutter.
Always ensure that the joint is sealed with a good quality butal rubber sealant - normal silicone is not recommended for this application.
Protective Coating After Installation
A good quality acrylic PVA paint should be used to paint the galvanised material which will ensure a durable stylish installation that will last many years.