22368C7CA-8623-4893-BBDB-115376288D0FB20F0273-027F-44DB-824F-3744B853B61EEC-ZA-0-18EC-ZA-0-532599038587Stopends83202221002Galvanised Rainwater GoodsStopends are used to close the open end of the gutter to ensure that the water drains through the outlet and not the open end of the gutter. It is universal and easy to install.
A lip around the stopend allows for a 3.5mm hole to be drilled on both vertical sides and can be fastened to the gutter using a 3.2mm waterproof rivet.
Protective Coating after Installation
A good quality acrylic PVA paint should be used to paint the galvanised material which will ensure a durable stylish installation that will last many years.Galvanised Rainwater GoodsB20F0273-027F-44DB-824F-3744B853B61E38587Heunis938083DE-CDE3-410D-A2D4-6EFA105A2FC7B299F2F7-C9DC-4E8B-B1BE-018370A6F2EBSquare StopendsHalfround Stopends113131SquareStopEnd_v2.pngHeunis_HalfRoundStopEnd.png132022-12-0812:32:54:067101E4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A4SquareStopEnd_v2.pngSquareStopEnd_v2.png(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Heunis\Catalogue\images0.000.00
Stopends are used to close the open end of the gutter to ensure that the water drains through the outlet and not the open end of the gutter. It is universal and easy to install.
A lip around the stopend allows for a 3.5mm hole to be drilled on both vertical sides and can be fastened to the gutter using a 3.2mm waterproof rivet.
Protective Coating after Installation
A good quality acrylic PVA paint should be used to paint the galvanised material which will ensure a durable stylish installation that will last many years.