23D0FABF8-A37F-40A7-84A2-A0C89E4569EDBCF06FF9-5291-47E7-B773-9DB26CF9316EE4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A423211Downpipe Spreader RoundGalvanised Rainwater Goods\Downpipe SpreaderB20F0273-027F-44DB-824F-3744B853B61E38587HeunisB25860F7-77FD-4D75-B497-3D45888B8907B80F9A9B-969D-4056-B135-00F00A75A65ERound 0.40x75mmRound 0.50x100mmDPIPSPRN04075DPIPSPRN050100165.5221DownpipeSpreader_round.pngDownpipeSpreader_round.pngdownpipe-spreader-drawing.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Heunis\Catalogue\imagesBCF06FF9-5291-47E7-B773-9DB26CF9316E0.000.00Manufactured from SABS-quality galvanised steel varying in thickness depending on individual needs and architects specifications.
Spreaders are used where the downpipe of a roof runs onto another roof.
The water outflow needs to be spread to prevent the force of the downflowing water from going under the tiles.
A spreader in the form of a "T" slows the waterflow down dramatically and through 10mm holes it flows out gently onto the lower roof without penetrating through the roof tiles or roof sheeting joints.
Protective Coating after Installation A good quality acrylic PVA paint should be used to paint the galvanised material which will ensure a durable stylish installation that will last many years.
page(8)class2(margin_top15)page(9)each75: A=75mm, B=145mm, C=400mm100: A=101mm, B=95mm, C=400mm2B25860F7-77FD-4D75-B497-3D45888B89073D0FABF8-A37F-40A7-84A2-A0C89E4569EDE4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A441Round 0.40x75mmDPIPSPRN04075Technical Data
Manufactured from SABS-quality galvanised steel varying in thickness depending on individual needs and architects specifications.
Spreaders are used where the downpipe of a roof runs onto another roof.
The water outflow needs to be spread to prevent the force of the downflowing water from going under the tiles.
A spreader in the form of a "T" slows the waterflow down dramatically and through 10mm holes it flows out gently onto the lower roof without penetrating through the roof tiles or roof sheeting joints.
Protective Coating after Installation A good quality acrylic PVA paint should be used to paint the galvanised material which will ensure a durable stylish installation that will last many years.