203B3BB73-5675-44A1-AE4D-5CBDD9B85ABB9072AD01-66B1-42C8-8AD5-A97923505E67E4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A42321Corrugated Iron RoofsheetingRoofing and Roofing Accessories\Roofsheeting5E156A27-8E07-4A37-A817-39C065D4C93238721HeunisA98EFFD4-D893-41B8-917D-513CE059180A5F6C53AB-0185-43DE-A9AE-FDE5FB90CAB48 ½ Corrugated Iron Sheet10 ½ Corrugated Iron Sheet361136HS_8.5_CorrugatedIronSheet.pngHS_8.5_CorrugatedIronSheet.png12HS_8.5_CorrugatedIronSheet.pngHS_8.5_CorrugatedIronSheet.pngcorrugated-iron-draw-specification.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Heunis\Catalogue\images9072AD01-66B1-42C8-8AD5-A97923505E670.000.00Specifications Corrugated Iron
Available lengths: Mostly manufactured to customer or architects specifications up to 13.2m lengths. (Longer lengths available on request)
Corrugated iron was the first profile to be rolled for roof sheeting purposes. Mostly used on domestic buildings and carports, the prominent S-rib is currently used on most low cost and affordable Shape housing. Always ensure the use of a double / two lip overlap when covering a roof with corrugated iron as this will ensure a durable leak-proof installation.20]]>1]]>22A98EFFD4-D893-41B8-917D-513CE059180A03B3BB73-5675-44A1-AE4D-5CBDD9B85ABBE4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A434318 ½ Corrugated Iron SheetSpecifications Corrugated Iron
Available lengths: Mostly manufactured to customer or architects specifications up to 13.2m lengths. (Longer lengths available on request)
Corrugated iron was the first profile to be rolled for roof sheeting purposes. Mostly used on domestic buildings and carports, the prominent S-rib is currently used on most low cost and affordable Shape housing. Always ensure the use of a double / two lip overlap when covering a roof with corrugated iron as this will ensure a durable leak-proof installation.
page(1)layout(5)margin(10px,0px,40px,0px)page(1)layout(5)margin(20px,0px,60px,0px)A=610mm, B=710mm10 per bundleRoofing and Roofing Accessories\Roofsheeting\Corrugated Iron Roofsheeting5E156A27-8E07-4A37-A817-39C065D4C93238721HeunisC43BC5EF-19ED-4924-8629-897FE83763F198C97784-48E7-4FB2-A6C3-8CCEE168964806537C9B-BFA6-4F84-B79A-FE38A6E761ED8 ½ Corrugated Iron Sheet - 0.25mm Gauge8 ½ Corrugated Iron Sheet - 0.27mm Gauge8 ½ Corrugated Iron Sheet - 0.3mm GaugeHS_8.5_CorrugatedIronSheet.pngHS_8.5_CorrugatedIronSheet.pngcorrugated-iron-draw-specification.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Heunis\Catalogue\images25F6C53AB-0185-43DE-A9AE-FDE5FB90CAB403B3BB73-5675-44A1-AE4D-5CBDD9B85ABBE4C67739-F58B-41EF-A36E-A31B8AC7F2A4646210 ½ Corrugated Iron SheetSpecifications Corrugated Iron
Available lengths: Mostly manufactured to customer or architects specifications up to 13.2m lengths. (Longer lengths available on request)
Corrugated iron was the first profile to be rolled for roof sheeting purposes. Mostly used on domestic buildings and carports, the prominent S-rib is currently used on most low cost and affordable Shape housing. Always ensure the use of a double / two lip overlap when covering a roof with corrugated iron as this will ensure a durable leak-proof installation.
page(1)layout(5)margin(10px,0px,40px,0px)class1(margin_top25)page(1)layout(5)margin(20px,0px,50px,0px)A=762mm, B=850mm10 per bundleRoofing and Roofing Accessories\Roofsheeting\Corrugated Iron Roofsheeting5E156A27-8E07-4A37-A817-39C065D4C93238721Heunis44933CDA-1D98-4FEB-B084-7060EF94A2B9C0F6DFF7-1714-4142-B46B-8B4E898F1892EACCFFD4-421B-4567-8391-F842F87396DF9BEA67D5-60C2-452F-B8D2-68B3B6EBB356927F7C69-7309-45A2-9506-0BD8CA2BDC38D4E41721-69EF-467A-AA87-B59442C4886210½ Corrugated Iron Sheet - 0.3mm Gauge10½ Corrugated Iron Sheet - 0.4mm Gauge10½ Corrugated Iron Sheet - 0.45mm Gauge10½ Corrugated Iron Sheet - 0.47mm Gauge10½ Corrugated Iron Sheet - 0.5mm Gauge10½ Corrugated Iron Sheet - 0.6mm GaugeHS_8.5_CorrugatedIronSheet.pngHS_8.5_CorrugatedIronSheet.pngcorrugated-iron-draw-specification.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Heunis\Catalogue\images
Availability:Contact Us for AvailabilityContact Us for Availability
Dimensions:A=610mm, B=710mmA=762mm, B=850mm
Specifications Corrugated Iron
Available lengths: Mostly manufactured to customer or architects specifications up to 13.2m lengths. (Longer lengths available on request)
Corrugated iron was the first profile to be rolled for roof sheeting purposes. Mostly used on domestic buildings and carports, the prominent S-rib is currently used on most low cost and affordable Shape housing. Always ensure the use of a double / two lip overlap when covering a roof with corrugated iron as this will ensure a durable leak-proof installation.